2021 is here! It’s time to give your home the upgrades it deserves so it can take on the challenges local weather has in store for the year. As early as now, you’ll want to plan which home improvement projects to prioritize. As a leading roofer in the area, we recommend you focus on the projects discussed below:
Roof Repair or Replacement
A roofing project should be on top of your major home to-do list for the year. Having experienced the brunt of Mother Nature over the past year, it might be time to give it a look to see if it is still in good condition. Our team of roofing professionals can perform an in-depth inspection this early so we can determine the type of project you’ll need to tackle this year, whether it is a simple repair or a complete replacement.
Siding Installation
Siding is a more permanent solution over exterior wall paint. While paint needs to be reapplied after every few years, a properly-installed siding will require little to no maintenance. What’s more, it helps protect your wall against moisture, heat and debris, acting as a physical barrier for your home. As a bonus, your home will get a boost in terms of aesthetic appeal when you take on this project. Every siding and roofing contractor recommends the insulated siding variant, especially if one of the objectives of the project is to bolster energy efficiency.
Gutter Maintenance
Cleaning your gutters occasionally not only improves your home exterior’s look but also ensures their long-term performance and longevity. By removing debris such as dead leaves and twigs from your gutters, you keep your home dry and avoid the damaging effects of moisture.
As the leading roof repair and replacement contractor in the area, we are proud to offer a combination of exemplary craftsmanship, unparalleled attention to detail, and top-notch customer service. Call us today at (916) 678-9786 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.